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News and Announcements

Instructions for the participants to the 18th HBS Conference

Instructions for Oral Announcements Each oral presentation should be up to 12 minutes long, followed by 3 minutes for questions. Please respect the presentation time to avoid delays in the conference program. Presentations should be in .ppt, .pptx or .pdf file format. It is strongly suggested that the main presenting...

Flora Cretica. A complete handbook of all flowering plants, lycopods and ferns occurring on the island of Crete and surrounding islets

Muer, Thomas, Herbert Sauerbier und Ralf JahnFlora Cretica. A complete handbook of all flowering plants, lycopods and ferns occurring on the island of Crete and surrounding islets. 2024. 2475 col.. photogr. 1254 p. Hardcover.Due April 2024 Descriptions of more than 2100 endemic, autochthonous, introduced and invasive species, subspecies...

The Atlas of the Hellenic Flora is published

Strid, A. 2024: Atlas of the Hellenic Flora. – Broken Hill Publishers, Nicosia, Cyprus. 3 volumes, 2,138 pages in the format 30 x 30 cm, total weight 10.8 kilosThis work summarizes more than two centuries of floristic exploration of Greece, in which the author has participated for the last 59...

About the loss of Artemios Yannitsaros

The Board of Directors of the Hellenic Botanical Society was informed with sadness of the loss of its honorary member ARTEMIOS YANNITSAROS, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, eminent scientist and researcher of the Greek flora, academic teacher and founding member...

2nd Panhellenic Congress of Ethnopharmacology under the title “From the Vikos traditional healers (Vikoyiatroi) to modern phytotherapy” (1-3 March 2024)

On behalf of the Hellenic Society of Ethnopharmacology, I have the pleasure to announce and to invite you to the 2nd Panhellenic Congress of Ethnopharmacology, under the title “From the Vikos traditional healers (Vikoyiatroi) to modern phytotherapy” which will be held at Hotel du Lac, 1-3 March 2024.The Hellenic...

Opennings at the Finnish Museum of Natural History

The Finnish Museum of Natural History, Luomus, is an independent institute of the University of Helsinki and the national museum in the field of natural history in Finland. Luomus invites applications for the following positions: Curator in vascular plants:…Tenure track professor in biodiversity change:…Tenure track professor in plant/fungal systematics:…

Georgia Kamari awarded with the Gold Medal of OPTIMA

During the 17th OPTIMA Meeting that was held from 20-23 September 2023 in Erice and Palermo, Sicily, with the participation of 162 scientists from 26 countries and 107 scientific institutions, Georgia Kamari, Professor Emeritus of the University of Patras and Honorary Member of the HBS was awarded with the Gold...

Post-doc position in GLORIA coordination team in Vienna

Dear colleagues,we are looking for candidates for a post-doc position in our GLORIA coordination team in Vienna. The advertised position is for 30 hours per week, 3 years, with an extension option.See the employment ad under: deadline for applications has been extended to September 17 2023.

The rediscovery after 61 years of Consolida samia, a rare plant of the Greek flora

National and Kapodistrian University of AthensDepartment of Biology, Section of Botany, Laboratory of General BotanyAthens, June 5, 2023PRESS RELEASEOn May 27, 2023, a research team of the Department of Biology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), located a sizeable population of the plant Consolida samia...

4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week, 23-27 October 2023

The 4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week (4th MPCW) is a congress that aims to bring together specialists and interested people in the research and management of nature, in particular the conservation of wild plants and their habitats around the Mediterranean.For this edition, the 4th MPCW will expand its initial...

Vascular Plants of Greece: An Annotated Checklist

Image More than a century ago, Eugen von Halácsy, a Hungarian-born physician of Vienna, summarized in his Conspectus Florae Graecae (Halácsy 1900 –1904, with supplements in 1908 and 1912) a careful and accurate work on the flora of Greece. Halácsy’s Flora covered Greece within its national borders at that time...

8th Balkan Botanical Congress

4-8 July 2022, Athens Organised by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Please visit the website for more information:

Virtual meetings of young botanists researching the Greek flora

INVITATION The aim of the initiative is for young botanists whose research focuses on recording and studying the flora of Greece to come together. The aims of the initiative include: The presentation of the research work of the participants and the exchange of experiences. The presentation of new technics and...

PhD positions - lab of Freshwater Ecology, Biology Department, University of Patras

PhD positions - lab of Freshwater Ecology, Biology Department, University of Patras 2 PhD positions are available to begin in May /June 2021 in the lab of Freshwater Ecology of the Biology Department, University of Patras. The projects are relevant to the understanding of the role of aquatic macrophytes in...

Web Seminar - Diversity patterns of the Flora of Greece with applications in R

Web seminar title: Diversity patterns of the Flora of Greece with applications in R Instructors: Dr. Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis, Dr. Elpida Karadimou, Dr. Danis Kyziridis, Prof. Panayiotis Dimopoulos Location: Αθήνα Duration: 4 days Date: To be announced Costs: 100 euros Number of attendants: up to 15 people Seminar website: Intended...

Special Issues

Special issues have been announced by the following publications: Special Issue in Plants (ISSN 2223-7747; SCIE-WoS, IF 2.632) – "Taxonomy and Plant Conservation". Special Issue Editor: Ioannis Bazos Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2020. Special Issue of Diversity (ISSN 1424-2818; SCIE-WoS, IF 2.047) _ "Plant Diversity on...

Modifications to the Hellenic Botanical Society's statute

Η τελική μορφή του Καταστατικού με τα προτεινόμενα για τροποποίηση άρθρα (σημειωμένα με κίτρινο και μεγαλύτερη γραμματοσειρά κάτω από το άρθρο όπως ισχύει σήμερα), μετά και από σχετικές νομικές συμπληρώσεις είναι διαθέσιμη εδώ. Θα τεθεί προς συζήτηση στη Γενική Συνέλευση της ΕΒΕ που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Δευτέρα 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2019...

15th Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant invasions

Τhe 15th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant invasions, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 9th to 13th September 2019. The conference will bring together scientists, managers and policy makers from around the world involved in plant invasions, who will interact and explore ways...

Invitation for post doctoral research position

Στο πλαίσιο του χρηματοδοτούμενου από το ΠΡΑΣΙΝΟ ΤΑΜΕΙΟ ερευνητικού έργου με τίτλο: Η Χλωρίδα της Ελλάδας (The Flora of Greece project), η Ελληνική Βοτανική Εταιρεία σκοπεύει να χρηματοδοτήσει 1 μεταδιδακτορικό ερευνητή με απασχόληση στο Εργαστήριο Βοτανικής του Τμήματος Βιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών για χρονικό διάστημα ενός (1) χρόνου. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι...

Botanikertagung 2019 - International Plant Science Conference

Conference website

ΧVI OPTIMA Meeting-1st Announcement

Dear Colleagues and Friends, We have the honor and pleasure to invite you to the XVI OPTIMA Meeting, which will take place at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, from 2 to 5 October 2019. It is our greatest aspiration to organise a fruitful and enjoyable meeting that will give...

International Biogeography Society: 9th Biennial Conference, Málaga, Spain, January 8-12th, 2019

International Biogeography Society: 9th Biennial Conference, Málaga, Spain, January 8-12th, 2019

2nd Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week

The 2nd Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week that will be held 12-16 November in Malta represents an opportunity to develop a framework for dialogue among stakeholders, to share successful examples of plant conservation initiatives with local communities, and to enhance capacity building. This event aims at becoming a gathering point for...

Summer School on Alpine Plant Life, Alps, 12-15 July 2018

The 12th Summer School on Alpine Plant Life is organized in ALPFOR Alpine Research and Education Station Furka Pass, 2440 m a.s.l., Swiss central Alps, 12-15 July 2018. Pre-registration until 28 February 2018. Fees 400 CHF. For more information please download the Summer School poster here.

Flora of Greece web

Ο ιστότοπος Flora of Greece web είναι πλέον έτοιμος στην 1η έκδοσή του, ως αποτέλεσμα συνεργασίας της Ελληνικής Βοτανικής Εταιρείας με τον Βοτανικό Κήπο και Βοτανικό Μουσείο του Βερολίνου και με τον συντονισμό από ομάδα επιστημόνων στους παραπάνω οργανισμούς και στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (Τμήμα Βιολογίας, Τομέας Βιολογίας Φυτών, Εργαστήριο Βοτανικής)...

Summer School in Conservation Biology, Zagori, Greece, 2017

The Summer School for Conservation Biology takes place for the ninth year in Zagorochoria. The duration of the school is 12 days (June 26 to July 7, 2017) and is under the auspices of the International Society of Conservation Biology and the Greek Ecological Society. The application period has started...

Πρωτόκολλο συνεργασίας ΦΔ Πάρκου Τρίτση - ΕΒΕ

Στις 21/2/2017 υπογράφηκε το Πρωτόκολλο συνεργασίας του Φoρέα Διαχείρισης Mητρoπoλιτικoύ Πάρκoυ Περιβαλλovτικώv και Eκπαιδευτικώv Δραατηριoτήτωv και Avάπτυξης Koιvωvικής Οικovoμίας "Avτώvης Tρίτσης" και της Ελληνικής Βοτανικής Εταιρείας. Μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε εδώ:

15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 1st Announcement

15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 1st Announcement

PhD position for the study of Zelkova abelicea at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

Doctoral position (PhD) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland): Long-term conservation strategy for the relict tree Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae), endemic to the Mediterranean island of Crete (Greece) The University of Fribourg is searching for skilled and motivated students from biology, environmental sciences or any other related field. Knowledge in plant...

Προγραμματισμός των πρωτοβουλιών και δράσεων για τον 1ο χρόνο λειτουργίας του νέου Δ.Σ. της Ε.Β.Ε.

Το νέο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Ελληνικής Βοτανικής Εταιρείας (E.B.E.), για την περίοδο από τον Οκτώβριο 2016 έως το Σεπτέμβριο 2019, σκοπεύει να αναλάβει μια σειρά πρωτοβουλίες και προγραμματίζει να υλοποιήσει δράσεις σε επίκαιρα θέματα της Βοτανικής Επιστήμης, καθώς και σε ζητήματα διατήρησης και διαχείρισης του φυσικού μας περιβάλλοντος, σε συνεργασία...

New publication for the Greek Flora

A new publication for the Greek Flora has been uploaded in the website of the journal Willdenowia – Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem on October 26, 2016 (online publication 26 October 2016 ahead of inclusion in December 2016 issue). Article title: Vascular plants of Greece ‒...


The 2016 Eurasian Grassland Conference will take place from the 20th to the 24th September 2016 in the historic town of Sighişoara in central Romania. The 13th annual meeting aims to promote exchange and collaboration between those interested in all aspects of grassland research and conservation across Eurasia. The conference...

Greek Summer School in Conservation Biology, Zagori, Greece, 27 June to 8 July, 2016

The course will involve lectures, fieldwork, computer labs and an individual project in roughly equal proportions. Students will learn how to analyze ecological data with R using some of the main packages for biodiversity data analysis and have the opportunity to try these out on their own datasets. Applications are...

Exhibition "Flora Graeca"

Opening of the exhibition "Flora Graeca" in the Gennadius Library, March 08, 2016, 7 pm, Speakers: Dr. Maria Georgopoulou & Dr. Sophia Rizopoulou. The exhibition “reveals” the Flora Graeca to the general public. To celebrate this extraordinary scientific publication, the Gennadius Library is organizing a special exhibition dedicated to John...

2016 IUFRO Tree Seed Physiology and Technology Conference

The 2016 IUFRO Tree Seed Physiology and Technology Conference will be held in Portsmouth (UK), 29th June – 1st July 2016. The final date for registration, payment and abstract submission is Friday 27th May 2016.…

Speech 'Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana and the botanical exploration of Greece'

Professor emeritus Arne Strid will give a speech entitled 'Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana and the botanical exploration of Greece', on April 9, 2016, 7:00 pm, at The Gennadius Library. For more information visit the relevant website:…

15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society

The 15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society will be held at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, 14-17 September 2017.

Atlas of the Aegean Flora

On 26 February "Atlas of the Aegean Flora" by Arne Strid will be published by BGBM (as Englera volume 33 parts 1 and 2). You can download the flyer here. The book “Atlas of the Aegean Flora” will be offered with a 25% discount for HBS members in good standing...

7th Seminar of the French Society of Phytosociology

The 7th Seminar of the French Society of Phytosociology will take place in France, 4-7 October2016. You can download the circular here:

6th International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture

The 6th International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture will take place in Athens, Greece, June 20-25, 2016, under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the Laboratory of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA). The theme of the Conference “Landscape...

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 3rd announcement

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 3rd announcement

World Congress “Aristotle 2400 Years”

Thessaloniki, May 23-28, 2016 The “Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies,” of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki announces the World Congress “Aristotle 2400 Years” which is to be held at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Deadline for “Abstract & Paper Submission”: September 15, 2015.

IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016

Hawai'i, 1-10 September 2016 The IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 opens one short year from today. On 1 September, 2016 world leaders and representatives from governments, science, academia, indigenous peoples groups, businesses and conservation organizations will spend ten days sharing, debating and deciding the direction of conservation actions worldwide.…

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - Reminder

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - Reminder

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 2nd announcement

16th Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society - 2nd announcement

Floristic Wealth of Greece Workshop by ELGO DEMETER

The workshop will last four days and will take place the 28-29 May and 2-3 June 8:00-15:00. More info in the following document (in greek):

Seed Ecology V - Seeds in the Web of Life

Brazil, 21-25 August 2016 SEED ECOLOGY conferences are international, thematic, scientific meetings devoted exclusively to Seeds and the Environment. Seed ecology (dispersal, predation, soil and canopy seed banks, ecophysiology of dormancy and germination, and topics in seed research related to evolution, conservation and ecosystem functioning) is currently an extremely active...

Institute for Field Biology - Field Courses 2015

The Institute of Field Biology (IFB) provides leadership in the knowledge of biological diversity based upon field methods. The IFB conducts field research courses in Spain for graduate and postgraduate students at an early stage in their training. The courses are taught in English and are suitable for students in...

Financial support of postgraduate students participation in “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability – 2015”

The Hellenic Botanical Society is offering it's support to postgraduate students that will participate in the International Conference “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability – 2015” in honor of Dr. George C. Papageorgiou ( Please apply to kkoutsovbiol [dot] uoa [dot] gr (kkoutsov[at]biol[dot]uoa[dot]gr) before 20 April 2015

Prof. Arne Strid will be awarded with an honorary doctorate at the University of Patras

The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, April 1st 2015, at the University of Patras. Here you can download the invitation (in greek).