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Online Nomenclature-Typification Workshop on February 18, 2025

Submitted by hbsadmin on

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to an online Nomenclature-Typification Workshop on February 18, 2025. This event is intended for authors of the Flora of Greece, members of the Hellenic Botanical Society, and young botanists of Greece.

We are delighted to have Nicholas Turland (Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin) and Dr. Sandra Knapp (Natural History Museum London) leading the workshop. They will present an introduction to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, with a focus on types and typification. Attendees will also gain early insights into key typification articles from the forthcoming Madrid Code, which is expected to be published in mid-2025.

The workshop will be divided into two 2-hour sessions:

  • Morning session: Theoretical overview of nomenclature and typification principles.
  • Afternoon session: Practical exercises on real typification cases, using examples submitted by participants in advance. Priority will be given to cases provided by authors of the Flora of Greece.

If you are interested in participating, please complete your name, affiliation and email here: by February 10, 2025, to receive the detailed schedule and workshop link.

Submitting Typification Examples: If you wish to submit a real typification case for discussion in the practical afternoon session, please upload your materials here as follows:

  1. For each example, create a folder named after the taxon and contributor (e.g., Centaurea_raphanina_Konstantina_Koutroumpa).
  2. Include a Word file with a brief summary (c. 100 words) describing the typification issue. Add further details only if it is necessary but keep the description concise and to the point.
  3. List relevant literature, such as protologues, as links to online repositories (e.g., BHL: Only if the literature is not available online, you may include PDFs of the relevant documents.

Nick and Sandra will review the submitted examples and select those to be used in the practical session. To ensure sufficient time for review, please upload your materials as early as possible.

If you encounter any issues with the participation form or the submission of typification cases, please contact Konstantina Koutroumpa at

We look forward to your participation!

Best regards,
Konstantina Koutroumpa and Nick Turland