Erotokritos Kalogeropoulos
Endemic species of Greece. Perennial but delicate plant, usually up to 7 cm, flowering stems with a characteristic "articulated" appearance, usually arcuate. The flower is white with 4 sepals and 4 slightly shorter petals. It grows both on limestone and ophiolite substrates at altitudes 5 - 2100 m. Flowering takes place from June to August, depending on the altitude.
Fritillaria euboeica is an endemic species occurring on the island of Evia and possibly on Athos peninsula (the single older report has not been confirmed recently). It flowers from the end of February to the end of April (depending on the altitude). It grows on limestone and on schist at altititudes 100 – 1700 m in stony forest and scrub openings or under shrubs while one population has been found in an abandoned olive grove. It differs from the yellow flowered fritillaries of the East Aegean due to the smooth 3-fid style.